This content is not updated since 107 months ago. There's a chance it may contain outdated informations.

Value Added Tax

Restriction of validating Tax reduction right duration

In case of purchasing within the EU and in case of VAT established by self taxpaying-  tax reduction right will be validatable only in the period when the reducable tax revealed.

Periodically settling transaction changes

In case of periodically settling transactions the period of performance will be the  last day of the paying period or settlement according to the main rule.

Changes for grouped taxpayers

From 2016 the possibilities to join the VAT group of  economic companies operated by Govt. or local autonomies will be increased.

Exemption of Invoice issuing

If  foreign taxpayer provides telecommunication, media or other  E-communication service for Hungarian individuals, he/she doesn’t have to issue  invoice, only if the customer requires.

5% VAT key for newly built real estates

This new law applies to apartments with have less than 150 sqm place or houses with less than 300 sqm place. The new VAT key can be applied  for invoices issued after 1st January 2016. 

Lump sum price for product fee liable vehicle parts

New option for vehicle manufacturers and dealers. An option for quantity based lump sum price paying. The first domestic distributor or stockpiler can  choose the lump sum price payment for  vehicle parts.

Registration tax

No tax will be applied for the 100% electronic, aerial charged hybrid electronic, zero emission and  extended range hybrid vehicles.